Hey Ford runners, see below for this week’s track workout:

When: Tues, May 2 @ 6:00pm

Where: The track at Pardee Elementary School, 4650 Pardee Ave, Dearborn Heights. Please show up a little early to warm up. Reminder that there may not be bathroom / water facilities available so plan accordingly.

Sprint Workout
200m slow directly into 200m fast, 50m lunges, repeat 3-4 times. Core Set afterwards.

Distance Workout
(8 to 10) x 400 continuous. 200 hard, 100 easy, 100 medium (Simulate a tempo run). Core Set afterwards.

Core Set
Flutter kicks (20), scissor kicks (20), hold straight for 20sec, 1min plank, 30sec plank each side, 30sec back plank. Optional push-ups x 20.

See you on the track.
Evan, efishe40